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Saturday 17 September 2011

Compress and extract file using Gzipstream

I have faced situation for downloading large blob files from azure server to local folder. It was easy todownload the file from azure server. But if file has more than 2 GB (means larger size) it will got error in the middle of the downloading. When I was facing the issue, I was search on google and not found feasible solution soon that’s why I posted this compress and decompress codes here..
using System.IO.Compression;

Compress files ….
public static void Compress(FileInfo fi)
            // Get the stream of the source file.
            using (FileStream inFile = fi.OpenRead())
                // Prevent compressing hidden and
                // already compressed files.
                if ((File.GetAttributes(fi.FullName)
                    & FileAttributes.Hidden)
                    != FileAttributes.Hidden & fi.Extension != “.gz”)
                    //string[] filesplits = fi.FullName.Split(‘.’);
                    // Create the compressed file.
                    using (FileStream outFile =
                                File.Create(fi.FullName + “.gz”))
                        using (GZipStream Compress =
                            new GZipStream(outFile,
                            // Copy the source file into
                            // the compression stream.
                            Console.WriteLine(“Compressed {0} from {1} to {2} bytes.”,
                                fi.Name, fi.Length.ToString(), outFile.Length.ToString());

Decompress compressed file..
public void Decompress(FileInfo fi)
            // Get the stream of the source file.
            using (FileStream inFile = fi.OpenRead())
                // Get original file extension, for example
                // “doc” from report.doc.gz.
                string origName = curFile.Remove(curFile.Length -
                //Create the decompressed file.
                using (FileStream outFile = File.Create(origName))
                    using (GZipStream Decompress = new GZipStream(inFile,
                        // Copy the decompression stream
                        // into the output file.
                        Console.WriteLine(“Decompressed: {0}”, fi.Name);

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