How to create a div that is always
visible even while scrolling
In some scenario we need to show some information like ads,twitter like
account’s logo,new updates etc.. always
to user even he is scrolling website We can implement this using simple HTML
and CSS within few steps. We can create more attractive div with given
appropriate color and style to css.
Step by step process to create
always visible div
Here we are explaining how easily we can create an always visible div
using simple CSS in html by steps by step. We can create always visible div
within 2 steps.
Step 1
Create a css class and name it "alwaysVisibleDiv" (you can give
any name that you like). And add position as "fixed";
<style type="text/css">
position: fixed;
bottom: 10px;
left: 10px;
Add a new div to the page and specify the class="alwaysVisibleDiv"
<div class="alwaysVisibleDiv">
Hello I
am here always
Always visible div is ready.
You can see above div position is always there (here we are fixed bottom left)
even user scrolling website. We can fix this div at any position of the web
page by giving bottom,right,top,left position to the class ‘alwaysVisibleDiv’.
By using this html css code we can keep element in view while scrolling website
without any jquery,ajax techniques.
Good post