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Monday, 31 December 2012

How to Create and use Table-Valued Parameter in C# and T-SQL/ How to pass table to stored procedures in SQL

What is Table – Valued Parameter in SQL Server 2008?
Table-valued parameters provide an easy way to marshal multiple rows of data from a client application to SQL Server without requiring multiple round trips or special server-side logic for processing the data. You can use table-valued parameters to encapsulate rows of data in a client application and send the data to the server in a single parameterized command. The incoming data rows are stored in a table variable that can then be operated on by using Transact-SQL.
What we are going to do with Table – Valued Parameter?
We are going to demonstrate a very simple example for using Table – Valued parameter. In this sample project we will insert bulk amount of data into the table by passing a bulk data using datatable in C# to SQL stored procedure.
Create a Table for insert data using Table – Valued Parameter 
Here we are having a table named Officer and having three fields ID,Name and Salary. We are going to fill the table with bulk data.
Stored Procedure for insert data by accepting Table Valued Parameter
Now we are going to create a Stored Procedure that accepting a table type as parameter and insert values in this type into the table.
CREATE PROCEDURE InsertOfficerDetails
@OfficerData OfficerDetails readonly
INSERT INTO Officer (Name, Salary)
SELECT Name, Salary
FROM @OfficerData;
C# code to call Stored Procedure to insert data in to the table using Table – Valued Parameter
We are creating a simple ASPX page with a single button. When we click this button we are calling above stored procedure by creating and passing some amount of sample data to the stored procedure as Table – Valued Parameter.
ASPX Page 
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="CallSP.aspx.cs" 
Inherits="ExperimentLab.CallSP" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
<html xmlns="">
<head id="Head1" runat="server">
 <form id="form1" runat="server">
 <asp:Button ID="btnCallSP" runat="server" Text="Call SP" 
 OnClick="btnCallSP_Click" />
Code Behind
protected void btnCallSP_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
 DataTable dt = new DataTable();
 DataColumn dtCol = new DataColumn();
 dtCol.ColumnName = "ID";
dtCol = new DataColumn();
 dtCol.ColumnName = "Name";
dtCol = new DataColumn();
 dtCol.ColumnName = "Salary";
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
 DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
 dr["Name"] = "Name " + i;
 dr["Salary"] = 1000 + i;
 dr["ID"] = i;
 string connStr = ConfigurationManager.
 SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connStr);
using (var conn = new SqlConnection(connStr))
 using (var cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
 cmd.Connection = con;
 cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
 cmd.CommandText = "dbo.InsertOfficerDetails";
 SqlParameter param = cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OfficerData", dt);
 catch (Exception a)
 <add key="LocalSqlServer" 
value="Database=testDB;Server=Servername\SQLEXPRESS;User Id=userid;Password=password"/>
Hence we discussed about how to create and use Table valued parameters, how to create a store procedure with table type as parameter, how to pass table to stored procedure in C#/Asp.Net,  how to insert multiple rows of data to a table with table valued parameter in SQL, how to insert bulk data to SQL table using Table Valued Parameter in SQL Server 2008 etc.. 

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

How to UNPIVOT table in SQL Server / UNPIVOT table example in SQL Server

What is PIVOT and UNPIVOT operator in SQL Server 
We can use the PIVOT and UNPIVOT relational operators to change a table-valued expression into another table. PIVOT rotates a table-valued expression by turning the unique values from one column in the expression into multiple columns in the output, and performs aggregations where they are required on any remaining column values that are wanted in the final output.
UNPIVOT sample in SQL Server
Before UNPIVOT table
UNPIVOT sample in SQL Server
UNPIVOT sample in SQL Server
A simple UNPIVOT sample in SQL Server
Here we are going to demonstrate a very simple UNPIVOT sample without any complexity. We are having a table named EmploymentHistory and its containing employee name with previous company name that particular employee worked.
Table Structure For showing simple UNPIVOT sample
CREATE TABLE EmploymentHistory 
(Id INT, 
Employee VARCHAR(500), 
Company1 VARCHAR(500), 
Company2 VARCHAR(500), 
Company3 VARCHAR(500)

-- Load Sample data
INSERT INTO EmploymentHistory SELECT 
1, 'John', 'Tata Motors', 'Ashok Leyland', 'Suzuki'
2, 'Kate', 'Airtel', 'Vodafone', 'Tata Docomo'
3, 'Sam', 'Hercules', 'Hero', 'Atlas'
In order to UNPIVOT above table we can use below mentioned script. The result should be as Employee with each company as a single row.
SELECT Id, Employee, Company1, Company2, Company3
FROM EmploymentHistory 
) Main
Company FOR Companies IN (Company1, Company2, Company3) 
) Sub
UNPIVOT Table with multiple columns
Now we are going to UNPIVOT table with multiple columns. Suppose we are having a table with Employee name, list of company names that particular employee worked and corresponding cities also. The table structure like below.
CREATE TABLE EmploymentHistoryWithCity 
(Id INT, 
Employee VARCHAR(500), 
Company1 VARCHAR(500), 
Company2 VARCHAR(500), 
Company3 VARCHAR(500),
City1 VARCHAR(500), 
City2 VARCHAR(500), 
City3 VARCHAR(500) 
-- Load Sample data 
INSERT INTO EmploymentHistoryWithCity SELECT
1, 'John', 'Tata Motors', 'Ashok Leyland', 'Suzuki', 'Mumbai', 'Kolkata', 'Delhi'
2, 'Kate', 'Airtel', 'Vodafone', 'Tata Docomo', 'Chennai', 'Kolkata', 'Banglore'
3, 'Sam', 'Hercules', 'Hero', 'Atlas', 'Delhi', 'Mumbai', 'Banglore'
UNPIVOT sample in SQL Server
Before UNPIVOT multiple columns table

In order to UNPIVOT above table we can use below mentioned script. The result should be as Employee name with Company1 and City1 as a first row, Employee Name with Company2 and City2 as second row and so on
SELECT Id, Employee, Company1, Company2, Company3, City1, City2, City3
FROM EmploymentHistoryWithCity 
) Main
Company FOR companies IN (Company1, Company2, Company3) 
) Sup
City For Cities IN (City1, City2, City3 ) 
) Ct
WHERE RIGHT(companies,1) = RIGHT(Cities,1)
UNPIVOT sample in SQL Server
After UNPIVOT multiple columns table 

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

How to PIVOT table in SQL Server / PIVOT table example in SQL Server

What is PIVOT and UNPIVOT operator in SQL Server 
We can use the PIVOT and UNPIVOT relational operators to change a table-valued expression into another table. PIVOT rotates a table-valued expression by turning the unique values from one column in the expression into multiple columns in the output, and performs aggregations where they are required on any remaining column values that are wanted in the final output.
Before PIVOT
Before PIVOT table
After PIVOT table
A simple PIVOT sample in SQL Server
Here we are going to demonstrate a very simple PIVOT sample without any complexity. We are having a table named Accounts and it containing customer name and their deposit with denominations.
Table Structure For showing simple PIVOT sample
CREATE TABLE Accounts(Customer VARCHAR(25), Denomination VARCHAR(20), QTY INT)
-- Inserting Data into Table
INSERT INTO Accounts(Customer, Denomination, QTY)
VALUES('John','10 $',2)
INSERT INTO Accounts(Customer, Denomination, QTY)
VALUES('John','50 $',6)
INSERT INTO Accounts(Customer, Denomination, QTY)
VALUES('John','100 $',1)
INSERT INTO Accounts(Customer, Denomination, QTY)
VALUES('Ram','10 $',4)
INSERT INTO Accounts(Customer, Denomination, QTY)
VALUES('Ram','50 $',3)
INSERT INTO Accounts(Customer, Denomination, QTY)
VALUES('Ram','100 $',11)
INSERT INTO Accounts(Customer, Denomination, QTY)
VALUES('KATE','10 $',20)
INSERT INTO Accounts(Customer, Denomination, QTY)
VALUES('KATE','50 $',12)
INSERT INTO Accounts(Customer, Denomination, QTY)
VALUES('KATE','100 $',2)
INSERT INTO Accounts(Customer, Denomination, QTY)
VALUES('Eby','10 $',0)
INSERT INTO Accounts(Customer, Denomination, QTY)
VALUES('Eby','50 $',5)
INSERT INTO Accounts(Customer, Denomination, QTY)
VALUES('Eby','100 $',5)
In order to PIVOT above mentioned table we can use below script. The result should be as Customer name with all denomination will be coming as columns with qty as values for each column.
SELECT * FROM Accounts
PIVOT (SUM(QTY) For Denomination IN ([10 $],[50 $],[100 $])) AS Total
Dynamic Query to PIVOT table for dynamic columns 
In the above example we are using a simple structured table and then PIVOT with denomination values. This can be achieved only when we are having denomination values as static. Suppose this denomination values are dynamic (Each country having different denomination like $,EUR, IND etc..), we need to create a dynamic query to PIVOT above table.
Suppose we are having different table for getting Denomination values and we are going to take Denomination values from this table at run time as dynamic.
CREATE TABLE Denomination(Value VARCHAR(25))
INSERT INTO Denomination(Value)
VALUES('10 $')
INSERT INTO Denomination(Value)
VALUES('50 $')
INSERT INTO Denomination(Value)
VALUES('100 $')
First of all, we need to get dynamic columns names from the above table. After that we can create a dynamic query with these columns.
Declare @ColumnNames VARCHAR(100);
SELECT @ColumnNames = COALESCE(@ColumnNames+ ',','') +
'['+ Cast(Value AS VARCHAR(50)) +']' FROM Denomination cust
PRINT @ColumnNames
DECLARE @DynamicQuery Varchar(MAX);
SET @DynamicQuery = '
SELECT * FROM Accounts
PIVOT (SUM(QTY) For Denomination IN (' + @ColumnNames + ')) AS Total'
EXEC (@DynamicQuery);

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

How to Calculate Age in Sql Server OR Find age using SQL query

Calculate age of employee using SQL Server
To calculate an age from the SQL table is little bit tricky.  We are demonstrating how to calculate the age from the date of birth fields in the SQL table. While fill the application form it’s better to fill the Date Of Birth field instead of age field. Because age field can calculate from the Date Of Birth field easily and accurately.
Find the age from the Date Of Birth using SQL Server
Here we are having a table called Employee and having coloumns ID,Name and DOB. From this table we need to find the age of each employee using SQL script.

Please see the table structure.
Calculate age from SQL Server
We can use Date Diff function in SQL Server to get the age of each employee. But if we consider date field only it will get wrong answer because it will consider the current year even date of birth not came this year. The below script and result is example.

Calculate age from SQL Server

For avoiding above mentioned issue, we can use below script to find out the age from the Date Of Birth field using SQL Server.
GETDATE() AS CurrentDate,
FROM Employee
Find the age using SQL Server
Calculate age using SQL Server

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

How to create asynchronous file up loader using ajax in ASP.Net

Ajax files uploader in ASP.Net/C# to upload files to Server as asynchronous 
In most of the web applications, there might be have an option to upload files to server. If we are using ASP.Net file uplaoder option to upload files, will have postback after every server request. It may be very disturbance to the user. In order to avoid postback while uploading files into server in ASP.Net/C#, we can implement AJAX mechanism.
Include AjaxControlToolkit reference to the Project
First of all we need to refer ajax tool kit to our project. In order to do this, right click the project and add reference and select the folder that included the ajaxtoolkit file. Once we added, in the aspx page below line will be displayed
<%@ Register Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" tagPrefix="ajax" %>
After that we can incuded ajax  uploader into the ASPX page like this.
<ajax:AsyncFileUpload ID="fileUpload1" OnClientUploadComplete="uploadComplete"OnClientUploadError="uploadError" 
CompleteBackColor="White" Width="350px" runat="server" UploaderStyle="Modern"UploadingBackColor="#CCFFFF" 
ThrobberID="imgLoad" OnUploadedComplete="fileUploadComplete" />
There are some special kind if events are available in the control like onUploadComplete, OnClineUploadError ..
OnClientUploadError – This property is used to execute the client side JavaScript function if file uploading failed.
OnClientUploadStarted – This property is used to execute the client side JavaScript function whenver file uploading start.
OnClientUploadComplete – This property is used to execute the client side JavaScript function after file successfully uploaded.
CompleteBackColor – This property is used to set fileupload control background after file upload complete its default value ‘Lime’.
ErrorBackColor – This property is used to set fileupload control background if file upload failed its default value ‘Red’.
UploadingBackColor – This property is the id of the control which is seen during upload file.
UploaderStyle – This property is used to set fileupload control appearance style either Modern orTraditional. By default its value “Traditional”.
ThrobberID – ID of control that is shown while the file is uploading.

<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="ajax" %> 
<html xmlns=""> 
<head id="Head1" runat="server"> 
<title>Untitled Page</title> 
<script type="text/javascript"> 
// This function will execute after file uploaded successfully 
function uploadComplete() { 
document.getElementById('<%=lblMsg.ClientID %>').innerHTML = "File Uploaded Successfully"; 
// This function will execute if file upload fails 
function uploadError() { 
document.getElementById('<%=lblMsg.ClientID %>').innerHTML = "File upload Failed."; 
<form id="form1" runat="server"> 
<ajax:ToolkitScriptManager ID="scriptManager1" runat="server"/> 
<ajax:AsyncFileUpload ID="fileUpload1" OnClientUploadComplete="uploadComplete"OnClientUploadError="uploadError"
 CompleteBackColor="White" Width="350px" runat="server" UploaderStyle="Modern"UploadingBackColor="#CCFFFF"
 ThrobberID="imgLoad" OnUploadedComplete="fileUploadComplete" /><br />
 <asp:Image ID="imgLoad" runat="server" ImageUrl="loading.gif" />
 <br />
 <asp:Label ID="lblMsg" runat="server" Text=""></asp:Label>
using System;
using System.Web.UI;
using AjaxControlToolkit;

protected void fileUploadComplete(object sender, AsyncFileUploadEventArgs e)
string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fileUpload1.FileName);
fileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("Files/") + filename);